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DNS Records Lookup for almost any domain name

Since our databese includes more than 2000 TLDs, you can Lookup DNS Records for any domain extension existing in our TLD list (but cyrillic, arabic and hieroglyph). If need, you can lookup such sites following this link.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Complete domain information right from registrar

Since all the domain registrars are interlinked with Whois servers, only in a few milliseconds you'll get an up-to-date information about records, TTLs, classes and
complete entries for the specified domain name.

Find out Domain Expiry
Find out whether the domain is verified by SEs

Search engines (such as Google, Yandex, Bing, etc.) verify domain names in various ways. Since this tool provides you with the 'TXT' records, you can lookup if the specified domain is verified by search engines in this way.

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Check Domain Availability
Find out the domain NS server operator's email

Among other, this DNS Lookup tool provides you with the SOA record. Whether you are a web master working for domain name owner, the DNS operator's details can help you with issues resolving.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Get info about nameservers of exact domain

The DNS Records Lookup tool will display you all the name servers of current domain. This information can be useful, i. e., to find out whether the specified website uses a CDN service.

Find out Domain Expiry
Retrieve data about all the domain's IP Addresses

Whether the purpose of your DNS lookup query is to know IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of domain, this tool got you covered. The DMS Records Lookup tool will provide you with a list of all domain IPs.

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What is DNS Lookup tool?

This is an instrumelt that can find for you all the existing DNS records of any website.

How does DNS Lookup work?

The DNS record lookup tool sends queries to the domain registrar and highlights all information received from it.

What kind of information does DNS Records Lookup tool provide?

This tool will display the record types, TTL for each, record classes and entries.

What are the types of DNS records that DNS Lookup provides?

The DNS Records Lookup tool will display the such records types as A, AAAA, NS, MX, SOA and TXT with all the information entered for them.

Is DNS Lookup free to use?

This DNS Lookup instument is absolutely free and unlimited to use so you can check DNS records of all world's websites.

How fast is DNS Records Lookup tool?

The DNS lookup tool takes less than one second to provide you with complete information about the website of your interest.

How can I use DNS Lookup to find information about websites?

Using the DNS records lookup tool is extremely easy: just type the domain name you are interested in into the text box and click the "Query DNS" button.

Does DNS Lookup provide detailed information about DNS records?

Yes, the DNS lookup tool provides all the information about DNS records of the domain name including IPV4 and IPV6, route addresses,, and more.

How accurate is DNS Records Lookup tool?

This tool is 100% accurate because it gets information about all DNS records for the website directly from the domain registrar.

What are the benefits of using DNS Records Lookup Tool?

Among lots of other things, you will be able to find out the IP address of the site, whether it uses CDN, who is the domain registrar, etc.

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